Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Everybody needs to get on my level.

Monday I had a job interview over Yahoo! messenger. The person was trying to send me an email attachment with the job description. I thought I could just do the interview while clocked out for lunch, maybe 15 to 30 minutes and then I can go grab a sandwich.Well, I'm waiting an entire hour for this jackass to figure out which mouse button to use, he couldn't or didn't send me the document, and I spend my Monday lunch hour sandwich-less. I emailed him so that he would have my address and no response. I lost the job because the fucking interviewer is an idiot and doesn't know how to attach a file to an email. This is basic stuff, people.

It's 2013 already! According to Hollywood, we should have had 2 manned missions to Jupiter by now. We have satellites in upper orbit right now that can scratch your ass with a laser from space. We have a Large Hadron Collider on this planet that can produce more energy than an equal amount of the Sun, albeit for a fraction of a second. You can reach in your pocket and pull out a palm sized device that allows you to talk to someone in Japan right now. There is a vast network of information available to the majority of the entire world that is the model for a collective memory of every person on this planet called the Internet... And you can't remember your fucking password.

Newsflash: there are these things called "Computers" now. They are what you use to make a living now that America doesn't actually make anything anymore. If you want to keep eating and paying for a roof over your head, you better learn to use one of these magic light boxes with the funny wires coming out of it. Don't rely on Apple products either, unless you are among the tiny percentage of people doing graphic design for a living. The world runs on Linux and Windows.

My generation has no excuses and neither should those baby boomers. I don't care if you are used to sending things through USPS. That organization is not going to be around much longer. If your job requires you to communicate with someone that isn't in the same room, you are likely going to have to use a computer for something. So learn to use the damn thing!

Don't get an attitude with me because you are not "computer savvy", Barbara. You have Google now, Susan, learn to lurk more. Any question you have has already been asked by probably hundreds of people, Debbie, so get off your square post-menopausal ass and learn something! Figure out the difference between a search bar and an address bar on that Yahoo! screen that you use to read about who Jimmy Fallon is roasting and what color is "in" this season. And if you still use AOL, kill yourself.

People depend on you knowing what the hell you are doing, especially in the medical, dental, and financial industries. If you fuck up the paperwork, peoples lives are at stake. You can ruin entire families financially with a lost insurance claim. Your clients and you employer rely on you to not jack things up as you fat-finger something. The reason the Veterans Administration has such a backlog of documents is lack of technology and training. The IRS is struggling to modernize it's processes as well. You need to do your part to learn how to use a damn computer.

I'm not a hacker, by any sense. I'm just a guy who knows how to find the information I need to operate my tools. You can use a computer to find out how it works, it's self-referential. No other tool in the world can do that except language itself. So you people need to get on my level or go make candles at the Renaissance Festival.

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